The investment arm handles various portfolios including construction, investment and financial advisory, real estate development, technology, trade, agro-business and computer software management and consultancy.
Through that group, he said, he got in touch with the Franklin Research and Development Corporation, which handles portfolios for what Mr. Gamble called socially responsible investing.
Sukhadia handled Revenue, Irrigation, Agriculture and other significant portfolios during this period.
Handled various portfolios at central and state governments as minister.
Handled portfolios of Revenue, Irrigation & Power, Law, Education, Parliamentary Affairs, Food & Civil Supplies and Commerce.
In Chief Minister Ramakrishna Hegde's government, he handled diverse portfolios such as Sericulture, Animal Husbandry and Transport portfolios during different stages.
The VC is assisted in his task by a number of Deputy Vice-Chancellors (DVCs) who handle specific portfolios.
During these two consecutive terms in the state legislature he served as a minister and handled portfolios such as the education ministry and the ministry of industries.
Subsequently, he handled important portfolios like agriculture (in 1965 when he spearheaded the Green Revolution), and later the portfolios of Finance and Defence.
Some financial planners will not handle portfolios with assets totaling less than $100,000, although they may be willing to review your portfolio (often for $1,000 to $2,000) and suggest ways to bolster it.