Do you know of any agents in the United States or France who handle such rentals?
His affiliated company, Pantigo Realty, handles sales and rentals.
He has been handling commercial rentals in Norwalk for 10 years.
The company also handles rentals in other European countries.
Many agents, including Mr. Kessler and his wife, Pat, no longer handle rentals.
Renwick & Winterling also handles short-term rentals for people with overseas assignments.
A. Several agencies handle rentals in Puerto Rico, either of apartments or villas.
Are there agencies that handle short-term rentals of houses or condominimums?
Pamela Jeffreys didn't have a key, so they had to ask one of the tenants in the building to direct them to the agency that handled rentals.
Handles rentals of about 800 properties in 15 countries, mostly in Europe, the Caribbean and Mexico.