The current artery, built in the 1950's, was designed to handle 75,000 vehicles a day.
Thus, the road saw little use, handling less than 10 vehicles per day on average.
It has capacity to handle more than 85,000 vehicles in a day.
Originally, the bridge was designed to handle 10,000 vehicles per day.
It is able to handle 16,000 vehicles per hour.
In May 2010, this narrow stretch of the road handled 27,000 to 30,000 vehicles per day.
As of 2007, Interstate 35 alone was handling over 99,000 vehicles per day.
The six main public parking areas along the boardwalk can handle 250,000 vehicles.
He said the high-speed lanes would be able to handle 2,000 vehicles an hour.
The bridge was designed to handle 60,000 vehicles a day.