Applying taxes on oil products but not collecting them while prices are high could set a precedent for how China handles taxes on gasoline and diesel.
The management company that receives the fee handles taxes, pays bills and tends to repairs and cleaning.
Tax committees handled taxes and some entitlements.
Carrying Costs Inventory costs associated with capital, storage, handling expenses, insurance, taxes and obsolescence.
By the time Bobby was born in 1987, she was handling taxes, investment portfolios, and estate-planning for a dozen powerful men.
They would know because they handle taxes.
In any event, the various campaigns do differ substantially on how they would handle taxes.
But the candidates were viewed about evenly in handling gun control, which has long been viewed as a Democratic issue, and taxes.
On Ways and Means, which handles taxes, Republicans are taking 58 percent; Democrats had taken 63.
A business manager handles financial transactions, taxes and bookkeeping.