The three-storey building was built of handmade bricks with a timber frame.
Ms. von Matthiessen, who is also a sculptor, will even fire tiny handmade bricks.
We had the external render taken off and part of the wall rebuilt with the original handmade bricks.
They added to the house and garden as needed, putting up an adobe greenhouse with handmade bricks (one part cement to two parts sand).
The handmade brick on the buildings turns a soft pink in the afternoon light.
The foundation's architect was able to recycle valuable materials like handmade bricks in creating a new green building on the same site.
There was nothing academic about these structures, built frequently in shingles or handmade brick.
It is a two-story masonry structure, built in handmade brick.
The main portion of the building was constructed in 1860 of handmade brick formed from native clay.
This magnificent church was built in 1891 by Scottish missionaries who had no construction training, using only local handmade bricks and wood.