The handmade chocolates are expensive, but worth it, as is the all-you-can-eat Saturday brunch.
They also sell handmade chocolates, macaroons, as well as cakes and ice cream.
Two years ago, Godiva introduced its most expensive line ever, "G," handmade chocolates selling for $100 a pound.
The French pastry chef makes wicked confections, including handmade chocolates.
When Valentine's Day comes around, though, Yūji receives a box of handmade chocolates.
Until late June, Elizabeth Montes sold her handmade chocolates only at the farmers' market.
Produce for sale includes game, poultry, handmade chocolates, local vegetables, cider and preserves.
Chocoholics will go nuts for handmade chocolates produced with loving attention.
Kegg's Candies is a confectionery company which specializes in handmade chocolates.
The business began as a small shop selling handmade chocolates.