Amlen's second book is "Create Your Life Lists" (2011, Sterling Publishing), a hands-on guide to writing life lists.
The hands-on guide offers practical advice on all aspects of science communication: product types, target groups, written communication, visual communication, validation processes, practices of efficient workflow, distribution, promotion, advertising, and much more.
"Inside Novell Netware," by Debra Niedemiller-Chaffins (New Riders Publishing, $29.95), is the hands-on guide for the new LAN administrator.
This hands-on guide is designed so that you can select, design, and implement an actual network using the tutorials and steps in the book.
Among them are these: "The Hand Book," by Stephanie Brown (Ergonome, 1993, $19.95), is a well-illustrated "hands-on" guide to avoiding computer injury.
Let this beautiful hands-on guide take you around our planet.
Mastering the AS/400: a practical, hands-on guide.
Published in 2008, Revealing Minds: Assessing to Understand and Support Struggling Learners (Jossey-Bass) is a hands-on guide for professionals who assess students facing learning challenges.
Both of these campaigns were designed to be practical "hands-on" guides to better public relations for rural and small water and wastewater utilities.