Frequently returning to England, he gradually acquired a hands-on knowledge of extensive farming and forestry management.
You have hands-on knowledge that enables you to interpret the report from a different perspective.
"Without his hands-on knowledge of SBA's loan process and the skill to direct us through the process, we wouldn't have been able to save the company."
Senator Mary Hodge (Brighton) has a hands-on knowledge of education and small business issues.
Together they provide Symbol employees, many of them bone-tired at the end of the day, with both theoretical and hands-on knowledge.
Servers have hands-on knowledge of the food.
As a result, its own experts increasingly lack the hands-on knowledge to ask the right questions.
Nevertheless, he is expected to bring hands-on knowledge and a passion for the subject.
All my working life I have insisted in hands-on knowledge of any experiments under my control.
Conversely, Richard's hands-on knowledge of music informs his work as a healer.