She repeatedly referred to the need for a hands-on leader - a description that others have used to describe her.
As a boss, Shenton proved to be a highly egalitarian, hands-on leader whose enthusiasm was infectious.
Banner is a hands-on leader, taking the most dangerous assignments himself.
By 2002, when Pincus ended his tenure as the hands-on leader of the company, it had overseen investments of more than $13 billion in over 450 companies in 29 countries.
Mbeki is already the Government's hands-on leader.
Mr. Usher was a hands-on leader.
He was a hands-on leader of his laboratory.
But Mr. O'Green was a hands-on leader who frequently visited Litton outposts and had amassed detailed knowledge of the company's products.
The larger-than-life Mr. Gates, Chief of Police for 14 years, was an intense, hands-on leader, an implacable foe of crime.
Never Lost Election Aides say the County Executive, known for his grueling schedule, is a hands-on leader who runs a 20,000-employee county government carefully and efficiently.