All pupils also take a technology course, consisting of a hands-on lesson one or two days per week.
The center holds donated furniture and other resources, which teachers and parents will be able to use for hands-on lessons.
Many school systems, for example, cannot afford computers and other technologies that make hands-on lessons possible.
They also find out how to get a tree planted on their block, and spend four hours at a hands-on tree-shearing lesson.
The Ecology Center brings hands-on environmental lessons to schools throughout southeastern Michigan.
Leading hands-on lessons (if you have a good history background yourself); ?
Our education program helps teachers develop innovative, hands-on lessons for students.
"With the garden project they'll get hands-on lessons in botany and ecology."
The fee for the course, which includes lectures and hands-on lessons, is $80.
Once they were downstream from Rome and into quieter water, he started the hands-on lessons.