They were handsome birds, two feet tall or more, with long yellow legs, black or sometimes dark green heads and backs, and pearl-gray wings.
That was a bit bewildering because Sailor, while a handsome bird, even in advanced maturity, was by no means a rare or exceptional specimen.
They were quite handsome birds, one a red Birmingham and another a Saddleback that came from undistinguished, muddy-featured parents.
The osprey is a handsome bird of prey that lives on fish.
Bobolink A strikingly handsome black, white and yellow bird that nests in large grassy meadows.
They were most handsome birds, big and heavy.
But beyond that it was only a very handsome bird, and nothing else.
This area of Falkirk has always had a resident population of these handsome but predatory birds.
And here came the swans, with their grey brood in tow; handsome birds, going to bed on the island!
The blue jay, for example, is truly a handsome bird, with its beautiful black necklace that stands out against a bright blue body.