But her handsome boyfriend, Eric, finds out.
French girls with bare midriffs stood cheering next to their handsome, sun-tanned, skinny boyfriends.
She also has a handsome live-in boyfriend (Lewis Smith).
Gary, Ron, and Van are the handsome boyfriends who come see the girls in their fashion shows.
When she turns him down, he persuades her to enter a relationship with him by having her handsome boyfriend arrested and tortured.
Lola gets up to no good with her handsome boyfriend, but it's a basic boy meets girl story of how the pair defiantly take on the world.
After describing her breakup with a "handsome but useless" boyfriend, Lhor said: "I still young (single).
You go out to dinner with your sister and her handsome new boyfriend, and you find him obnoxious.
Upon turning 15, she realizes there's only one thing in the world she lacks - a handsome boyfriend.