The large and handsome houses were not set close together as in other towns, but much free space was left for the circulation of air.
The young inventor's father had built the handsome white house many years before his son was born.
It was a fine house, well built and handsome, with some ancient paintings on the walls.
For Martin had built himself a handsome new house.
He glanced up at the windows of the three handsome houses.
At last they came to a handsome house, with a high peaked roof, and many windows.
And next came the wonderful, handsome, shabby old house where they had grown up together.
Families will be able to buy the handsome two-story houses for $50,000.
By this time, the conversation had moved from the kitchen to the living room of the big, old, handsome house.
On a hill near the water's edge a handsome old house overlooks the river.