Casey helped Sara escape from her past, and she was happy to be rescued by such a handsome person.
He was unlike other boys and grew up into a very strong, handsome person with huge ambitions.
The word means a handsome person in the Zulu tongue.
Individuals are often noticed as very handsome persons, which trait only brings the story nearer to the English race.
Nakula, said Draupadi, was "the most handsome person in the whole world."
Stern had always admired her because at any age she was a far handsomer person than he.
That small spark of light in a corner struck out the man's handsome person and strong face.
He may not be the brightest or the handsomest person, but he's very large.
Reportedly, he was a handsome person, and the object of compliments from women in high society.
I just know anything you do is good, Hugo, because you're such a handsome, wonderful, talented person.