My blue holly (I. x meserveae), a variety called China Boy, is growing into a handsome shrub.
Bayberry or wax myrtle is a handsome shrub that deserves more use, particular in seaside properties, where it thrives.
But how did such a handsome shrub get such an unfortunate name?
The crinkled, medium-green leaves are resistant to most rose diseases, and the plants themselves quickly grow into handsome shrubs.
These handsome shrubs from Malaysia grow naturally where they get plenty of bright but indirect light, temperatures between warm and hot, high humidity and frequent rain.
This handsome shrub, with its dark green, maple-shaped leaves, is pruned in spring to keep its hedgelike form.
Every planet can use some handsome new native shrubs and ground covers.
A. It really is a shame that this handsome shrub with cheerful flowers is available at so few nurseries.
It is a handsome shrub or small tree with delicate-looking leaves, small flowers, small black fruit, and beautiful reddish bark.
In this case, these handsome shrubs would grow much better if they were taken out of the hot, sunny location and replanted where they would have some shade.