It is a handsome structure and carries the date 1660 above the door.
It passed the Reform temple to which the family belonged, a handsome modern structure of brown brick set in an evergreen garden.
"The bridges are quite handsome structures, and they're part of our industrial heritage."
First, it is a handsome structure - not an extraordinary one, but a decent, dignified one.
The handsome, flagstone-fronted structure required extensive repairs before the library could be opened.
Even in its deteriorated state, it was a handsome structure.
It, too, was a handsome structure, featuring Doric columns in the front.
Visitors to the handsome old structure cannot help but notice the incessant squeaking from the roof.
Dr. Dawson said even the handsome structure of a redwood itself may help with this feedback.
Like the Rockefellers, we have a handsome structure devoted exclusively to our automotive equipment.