In 860, Sawdan, emir of Bari, was paid a handsome tribute not to sack the monastery.
His pioneering work was subsequently recognised and honoured by several countries, and in 1912 he received a handsome tribute from Roald Amundsen, conqueror of the South Pole.
A stately work of art with luxurious accommodations and in impeccable condition, Endeavor, built in 1934, is a handsome tribute to another era.
In public he paid handsome tribute to Modigliani, but the truth of their private relations is more tangled.
Last week, when speculation ran high that Pennzoil would exact a handsome tribute from Texaco, Pennzoil shares sold as high as $95 and finished Friday at $92.25.
Mr. Micawber closed this handsome tribute by saying, 'Mr. Heep!
The exhibition (which travels to Houston and San Francisco) and its catalogue by Ms. Howe are a timely and handsome tribute to her brief career.
In all, it was one of the handsomest tributes ever paid to Adams.
Then we come to the handsome tribute Mrs Bromwich paid to 'Mr Gavin'.
And the French Chroniclers paid him handsome tribute: