The Grand Duke was dressed in the handsome and showy uniform of a Cossack officer.
"You wear the uniform of the new French conquerors, monsieur," said he; "it is a handsome uniform."
There were also officers, in the handsome gray and gold-braided uniforms of the South, who had never seen a battle.
The Captain's steward entered, carrying a handsome uniform.
Soldiers in handsome uniforms, carrying a variety of polished weapons at the ready, patrolled the halls, watching everyone.
It was a handsome uniform, with ornate, gold-braided shoulder boards and two rows of impressive-looking medals across the chest.
It was even more natural to be fascinated with the men in the handsome uniforms who were drilling nearby.
What is there for the bodyguard to do but put on a pretty show and display their handsome uniforms?
And there is a handsome uniform of a team called the San Fernando Aces.
The youths wore the handsome, high-collared black uniform of Japanese students.