The top pages of these were inked with handwritten characters.
The book itself was an impenetrable tangle of densely packed, illegible handwritten characters.
Similarly, the company has marketed a computer that recognizes handwritten Japanese characters, one of the first of the new genre of "pen computers."
In the case of handwriting analysis, for example, this might be a single handwritten character, an entire handwritten word, or an entire line of handwriting.
The system can read handwritten Japanese characters correctly 92 percent of the time.
A minority of users may even have to use a graphics tablet designed to recognize handwritten Chinese characters.
The scanner had to be told, and the specific instructions turned out to be far more difficult than anyone anticipated, particularly for handwritten characters.
The first patent for a system that recognized handwritten characters by analyzing the handwriting motion was granted in 1915.
The Copiale cipher is an encrypted manuscript consisting of 75,000 handwritten characters filling 105 pages in a bound volume.
The Sony Corporation said it would begin marketing in April a computer it calls a "palmtop," which can recognize more than 3,500 handwritten characters.