Many of these sketches include his handwritten comments on the characters.
Sometimes the cutting engineer might add handwritten comments or their signature, if they are particularly pleased with the quality of the cut.
Seldom are the handwritten comments of a teacher so intriguing that students save their papers past graduation.
In red ink is a large circled D and some handwritten marginal comments; misspelled words are circled in red throughout.
Some of them included Perry's handwritten comment: approved.
The book includes photographs of people in their homes along with handwritten comments by them about their lives.
One of the manufacturer's representatives was going over handwritten comments his company had solicited from people who'd stopped by to look at their products.
Barry Brockway, an owner of the restaurant, said the letter and handwritten comments were a morale boost.
She also collected various manuscripts, sketches, letters and other papers of his, containing handwritten comments, variants and dedications.
All surfaces are covered with handwritten political comments and obscene ditties.