He tore all the wrappings off like a child at Christmas and out gushed a welter of handwritten scripts.
Hexenhammer, it said, in a fine, handwritten script.
His work is easily recognizable by his distinctive, block-lettered handwritten script.
If the pastel color doesn't signal that the wine is informal, the (artfully) casual handwritten script on the label does.
Burr (1983) also used a dynamic programming technique to recognise handwritten script.
Her handwritten script was in his breast pocket.
Anna Stevenson's handwritten script was large and elegant - arrogant, some might have termed it.
He opened it and saw the line of handwritten script.
Minutes were taken down by George in 4,000 pages of handwritten script, which she locked up after her husband died.
The second book contained a series of dated entries in handwritten script, but despite repeated attempts, it had obstinately defied decoding.