Fields was far from alone in engaging in such tactics, of course, but the exposure in a time when "government waste" was a handy political phrase wielded by conservatives, it did not help.
Another handy phrase for the urban dog (Off the sofa!
As a lead-in to the next chapter in Bethesda's post-apocalyptic sandbox franchise, it's a handy phrase to bear in mind.
"Everybody down there must be practicing their handy Taglian phrases."
The phrase is merely a handy phrase used by lawyers.
And, of course, about the "document dumps" - one of the handy new phrases (for a sudden paper-blizzard disclosure) in the lexicon of Washington's now semipermanent culture of scandal hunting.
It is a process without a convenient label, but Michael L. Millenson sums it up in a handy phrase: "doing the right thing and doing the right thing right."
Stevens concluded there was collusion with "rogue elements" of the state - a handy phrase sometimes is "rogue elements" - which placed the trigger man where he was.