On foot, ask the locals for the handy shortcut (about 1km from town).
But adding to the top line, and the profit that such additional revenue can bring, can be slow going in these competitive times, and mergers are a handy shortcut.
But he was in a recycle mode this time, with the inexhaustible name-dropping of old-time movie stars serving as a handy shortcut to, and a wimpy substitute for, effective evocation and period charm.
There are apps which make handy shortcuts to switch off things like WiFi and GPS which saves tons of battery power.
Until they can, they may view race as a handy shortcut, a way to make some useful generalizations about how an individual patient will fare with a particular drug.
Is it a handy shortcut to prioritising those in need in high stress situations or a sexist relic of another era?
It is a fiddle, although if you're after quite mainstream records, one handy shortcut is to find the artist using this A-Z, and from the artist's page, look down to their albums.
The quiz sites have drawn some scathing criticism as being inappropriate or intrusive, but they do offer handy shortcuts on most of the electoral issues.
The alley ran behind several Greek communes, of both the imposing and the marginally renovated varieties, and it was a handy shortcut from the bastions of academia to the bars of Thurber Street.
JUST like a tourist's guide to an uncharted land, the adjectival spin on a playwright's name represents a handy shortcut to style.