Taran gasped, for from Morda's withered neck hung a silver chain and crescent moon.
On his head sat the triple-tiered crown of the Absolute, and around his neck hung a thick golden chain.
From the bracelet hung a short chain which both supported and kept tightly shut a small, bulging pouch.
Out of the right fob hung a great silver chain, with a wonderful kind of engine at the bottom.
He wore a silver belt, and round his neck hung a chain of silver and diamonds.
Around the neck there hangs a long chain, and from it dangles the charm bought on the gap year in Guatemala.
Lamps, mere points of light, hung a chain or more overhead.
From each hung a dusty, cobwebbed chain.
I hung a chain around my neck, stuck in some big gold earrings, and I was ready.
Around his neck hung a chain with a cylinder the size of a rifle cartridge for a pendant.