Lloyd and Chris have helped build sets and hang lights.
For four summers, he hung lights, worked on sound and the like.
We work at great heights, hang heavy lights and lug scenery just like the big boys, and our numbers proudly increase every year.
The government hangs colored lights from the big cable, and turns them on at night so that the bridge can be seen from many miles away.
To this end, he spent three weeks cleaning out the woods and weeds, got a generator and hung lights.
He said he hung lights from string, swirled them around and shot.
Instead, cabling had been affixed to the rock, from which hung low-level lights.
It had crossed the lake guided by the dim, sparsely hung lights overhead.
In pre-production they had told us we could hang lights, but I didn't believe them.
But for the crew it means putting up the new sets, hanging and focusing lights and setting sound equipment.