Even in the 15th and 16th centuries, hanging tapestries was considered a tedious, laborious process, although transporting them was relatively simple.
My remote control can shrink the distance between the walls or effectively hang tapestries on them.
On the walls hung carvings, tapestries, and paintings, all done in fine style, small and delicate.
Suites were outfitted with wood-burning fireplaces, hanging tapestries and oak canopy beds.
The social elite continued to hang large tapestries on the walls of their homes, as they had in the Middle Ages.
They would be needed to unpack the furniture, hang tapestries and artwork, and shelve the books in her library.
I followed Jeanne through the heavy studded door into a great hall on the stone walls of which hung magnificent tapestries and weapons.
In addition to the walls' muted colors, pale greens and yellows mostly, she'd hung small tapestries from various worlds.
The dining room is decorated with rugs, hanging tapestries and ceramics.
Her parents had indulged her; they'd had men seal the cracks in the stones and hung tapestries so she'd be warm.