The biggest problem seems to be that doctors have never come up with a clear-cut, testable description of hangover symptoms.
It did not seem to help with other common hangover symptoms, however.
In Ecuador, it is believed that guatita helps relieve hangover symptoms.
Depending on your body composition, just a couple of drinks can trigger a headache and other hangover symptoms.
In their study, the researchers found that when graduate student testers drank five hours after taking the pill, they experienced less severe hangover symptoms.
There is some evidence that the withdrawal of alcohol contributes to some hangover symptoms.
Most hangover symptoms are a result of dehydration.
Instead, they found that hangover symptoms became steadily worse over the course of one week.
Recommendations for foods, drinks and activities to relieve hangover symptoms abound.
The popular belief that fusel alcohol contributes to hangover symptoms is a matter of scientific debate.