Vasquez wishes that he had taken more time to plan the series, and feels that the quality of the dialogue suffered from his haphazard approach.
Their movement was direct and purposeful, quite unlike the earlier, haphazard approach of those who were now gathered in the ditch.
The goofy visual effects seem even goofier given the haphazard approach to what we'll call locations.
Now a Senate bill is trying to untangle the government's haphazard approach to buying computers.
Many local officials say that the unanswered question of who actually owns the Kings Park property is emblematic of the state's haphazard approach to the site.
How can we expect to mount a formidable defense against foreign competition and intrusion when we follow such a haphazard approach in an industry of this importance?
"We are very disappointed Secretary Dole has chosen this haphazard approach," said Mr. Hall.
With haphazard approaches, one is never sure if the lawn looks good or bad because of or despite what you did.
This haphazard approach, though, serves the desire for a continuous flow of classic music on demand.
The haphazard approach must cease and the Commission must now spearhead a strong Union water policy.