Specifically, the report criticized the "somewhat haphazard method employed by the services in the selection of officers for important intelligence posts."
And they rightly pay special attention to the haphazard methods of filling leadership posts.
To be successful a man must understand that haphazard methods won't work.
The intent was to create a much less haphazard method of editing video directly that had all of the creative control of traditional film editing.
This haphazard method of cultivation was improved when poles were inoculated with spores or mycelium.
Of course, rational democracy is better as an expression of the public will than the haphazard hereditary method.
It changed clinical diagnostics and medical research by replacing labor-intensive and often haphazard methods for counting blood cells.
Such a clear disparity is partially explained by Coleridge's haphazard method of writing, of his ideas.
Unlike the haphazard episcopal methods, the papal inquisition was thorough and systematic, keeping detailed records.
No; it was aimed at us, but I must say it seems a very haphazard method of committing murder.