In such a case, anything could happen, including the reactors going out of control.
If he left, he asked, what would happen to his property and assets, including those outside the country?
Thanks for bringing us up to speed on what is happening including the past history.
What will happen then to the objects, including possible spaceships, that have fallen into the black hole?
It does happen everywhere, including our small school.
I will tell him everything that happened, including my deðcision to let Rudel have a chance to leave.
Lots of things happen, including murders and a tropical storm.
If this is to happen, a number of states, including not least the US, still need to ratify it.
Acceptance of what is happening, including your role as a caregiver with new demands and duties.
Mr. Leung said she has never wanted to talk about what happened in those missing hours with anyone, including him.