Goodman seems quite happily immersed in nonsense of his own making.
He glanced at her mother, happily immersed in a pile of catalogues, and Willy, already on his way across the lawns with the dog.
She went back to London in the early evening, leaving her father quite happily immersed in his books, although he paused in his reading long enough to wish her a good journey back and expressed the hope that she would be home again soon.
Mrs. Parley, happily immersed in plans for the reception, deplored the fact that it had to be such a quiet affair, although, as she assured Deborah, that didn't mean to say that it wasn't going to be an extremely elegant one.
Dalton asked for a room with a bath and in a remarkably short time, Kathy was happily immersed in a tub of hot water.
He was still happily immersed in this daydream of revenge when Yates returned.
"The gentlemen in the corner there, who are so happily immersed in their bottles."
To explain the plot of this nimble-witted picture book is to explain life itself, but here goes: George and Bella, happily immersed in themselves, receive a package.
Mary Rose could tell that he was happily immersed in studying his data.
"I haven't felt so happily immersed in a project since working on 'Once Upon a Mattress' at Tamiment in the Poconos," she said.