Though she happily tells him that Aloysia's now married, doing well, and expecting a child.
He will happily tell you all about it.
Joel comes and quite happily tells them that he heard on the radio of a car accident, in which a man was killed.
We sat there, happily telling tennis war stories and making plans for dinner.
Blair finally takes the test, and calls Serena to happily tell her she isn't pregnant.
He happily told Stanley about a match he'd just won, coming from behind.
For one hundred dollars cash, he'd happily told all he could remember about his ex.
A friend happily told me one day that his daughter had been offered a scholarship by a very good college in the South.
The disruptive kids will quite happily tell you that they don't want to be at your stupid school all day.
"In the elections up until now, I was always supported by big organizations," the Governor happily told a crowd recently.