The happy throng of excited young audience members and studio staff had drawn back to form a large circle.
Crouch-Hazlett was released on $25 bail and escorted by a happy throng to her hotel.
The bodyguard disappeared into the happy throng, then returned, shrugging his shoulders.
To her disappointment, Larissa did not glimpse the handsome face of the strange young man in the happy throng.
He stopped running and walked, threading among the happy throngs.
Will over £1100 was made down there and it was always a pleasure to see the happy throng that congregated daily.
I studied the happy throng on the lawn.
Furious, she appeared unbidden and, into the happy throng, tossed a golden apple, then left.
Brim walked quickly past the happy throng signing up leave.
Many monks and other Vatican workers streamed out to join the happy throng.