Its external sensors were blinded as hard X-rays burned up their circuitry.
They observe in soft and hard X-rays, from 3 to 35 keV.
Eight minutes of hard X-rays being about as much as an egg can stand.
Coolness was wedded to discomfort in the form of hard X-rays.
"To produce such hard X-rays, it must be very, very hot."
The signal was observed at the same time as a flare of hard X-rays, suggesting a link between the events.
The team designed the new lens to improve the focusing of hard X-rays.
As the gas falls onto the neutron star, a bright flare in hard X-rays is seen.
A particular innovation was the use of a single instrument to measure both Gamma rays and hard X-rays.
They create vexing problems for mask designers because the hard X-rays tend to pass through most materials.