I had been such a hard charger before the babies it was difficult to adjust to patience.
But he said it could be done if Mr. Bush appointed a "hard charger" to lead transportation security.
"She's a hard charger, a strong, driven person, and she makes the same kind of demands on her staff."
Some of the karate schools out there think that kind of thing makes you seem like a real hard charger.
There's also dispute over Andretti's reputation as a hard charger who punishes equipment.
Ben was a decent guy, and a hard charger for the pilots.
He's what we call in the military a hard charger.
Yet another group are the hard chargers, the people who take on these attitudes for business and apply the same values on the road.
There are unlimited opportunities for people who are hard chargers and value public service.
That's what happens when you get a really hard charger out there - he doesn't like being pulled back.