A pause, waiting until the wagon ahead was clear, then a flailing of reins and a hard gallop.
There was a long hard gallop over good going and open pasture to the crest of the ridge, with only one gate.
Dust showered us as he jerked his mount around and rode off at a hard gallop.
Inside Brian's chest, his heart beat the same way, at a hard and joyful gallop.
Jessie watched two men ride in at a hard gallop with a vague sense of apprehension.
Bearing down at a hard gallop, Ayla saw the deer falter.
The horse showed signs of a hard gallop, and Scott cursed himself for not having thought of this possibility.
Malcolm sent his own mount back at a hard gallop, spattering her with mud from head to foot.
They trotted on only to see Benserade's men come riding toward them at a hard gallop.
Fifteen measures at a hard gallop, and then hack our way through them.