She prefers hard soles, and higher heels.
Lucien's voice bounced off the painted walls, drowning out the clatter of their hard soles on the stairs.
Tap shoes are not required, though hard soles (and happy feet) are.
I wad like to lie doon at last wi' hard soles!
Spats were also popular amongst the dancers but any shoe with a hard sole was accepted.
The floor was a thin layer of sand over a harder rock; Vetch felt it under the hard soles of his bare feet.
The hard soles of his shiny black shoes skid on the cobblestones.
The hard soles of Irving's dress shoes made a loud, echoing noise on the stone of the street.
If you do not want to wear shoes indoors, wear slippers with hard soles and good support.
Big heavy shoes with hard soles and a thick welt.