On the faces of the hard-drinking men, Jephtha saw fear.
Even more than General Guildenstern, before the war he'd had a reputation as a hard-drinking man.
During this period, Niedecker married for the second time to a hard-drinking local working man with no interest in what he called her "scribbling."
"A hard-drinking man is pretty faithful to one type of poison, darlin'."
Applejack, once the favorite of hard-drinking men, has only recently begun to woo a younger generation rediscovering mixed drinks.
The Hangdogs sing about hard-drinking men and the women they love and leave.
The fellow had the red face and purple nose of a hard-drinking man, but Althalus wasn't really interested in his complexion.
You do not look such a hard-drinking man as that.
Not that there is much point in getting sloppy-sentimental about the old days of hard-drinking men who filled countless flophouses.