Why should he give up thousands of hard-earned dollars?
Because 55,740 fans said so with their hard-earned dollars and more than 300,000 will have spoken by the conclusion of the series.
Now it is time for the fun part - deciding exactly how and where you want to invest your hard-earned dollars.
I bought it for 170 hard-earned dollars exactly 20 years ago.
Free trade is helping that lady make ends meet because her hard-earned dollar now has more buying power.
After all, people have an obvious incentive to exercise care when spending their own hard-earned dollars.
Maybe a hybrid car is what you need to squeeze the most value out of your hard-earned dollar.
Why should my hard-earned dollars pay for their location pleasures?
Anything to transfer some guy's hard-earned dollars their way.
We want to make sure the customers, paying hard-earned dollars, are getting what they paid for.