We support Mr. Kaufman with the hope that this hard-fought election will persuade him to focus more on his legislative duties.
He lost a hard-fought primary election to Tommy Waters, who went on to win election to the House.
Finally, after the hard-fought election of 1916 when Burden had spent weeks touring the country, without a word spoken on either side, the affair had stopped.
Mr. Clinton said he was proud of both men's graciousness as they ended a hard-fought election.
He was narrowly defeated, losing a hard-fought election by just thirteen votes in his district.
He became a councilor and was elected governor of Tayabas in 1906 after a hard-fought election.
There's nothing like a hard-fought election to put House members in a writing mood.
Gore - stay with me a minute - is shoring up support among blacks in a hard-fought election.
This has been a hard-fought election, a healthy contest for American democracy.
In hard-fought elections, moderates have won control of Vancouver's largest temples.