Despite a desire for peace, many in the British parliament opposed the return of hard-fought gains.
"I am myself an African-American woman who takes great pride in our hard-fought gains during the civil rights movement."
To truly solidify these hard-fought democratic gains, our neighbors to the south need thoughtful American engagement that goes far beyond the administration's black and white view of the world.
With 20,000 French troops erased from the map, the French command panicked and ordered a general retreat to the Ebro, undoing Bessières' hard-fought gains.
For the Burmese, their hard-fought gains of the prior three years (1765-1767) in Siam had gone to waste.
For the Burmese, their hard-fought gains of the prior three years (1765-1767) in Siam had gone to waste but there was little they could do.
They say the movement cannot afford to sit back and allow the Supreme Court to take back hard-fought gains that affect millions of workers.
It is very reliant on outside help, and it will be a significant challenge to sustain these hard-fought gains into the future.
Why allow foreign vessels to undermine those hard-fought gains?
Many of these people expressed varying degrees of concern about the damage the crimes could do to hard-fought gains in racial equality and understanding.