"You know, Lewis, you are a very hard-hearted man."
Convince this hard-hearted man of yours, I beg you.
'Then you're a cruel man,' said the matron vivaciously, as she held out her hand for the beadle's cup; 'and a very hard-hearted man besides.'
O King, believe not this hard-hearted man!
And hard-hearted and harder-headed men and women, who would never have come together for something as nebulous as a cause, now found themselves united in an aching hunger for revenge.
In The Shivah players assume the role of Rabbi Russell Stone, a hard-hearted man who is struggling with his faith.
"Something tells me you enjoy fostering the impression of a hard-hearted, uncaring ... bad man."
But if you and these other hard-hearted men will not go, I at my age, and weak as I am with all that I have suffered, will go myself.
The "stag line" consists of a group of the wisest, shrewdest and most hard-hearted young men ever gathered together under one roof.
"I have no portion in thee, cruel, hard-hearted man," said the unfortunate maiden.