Both were hard-looking men, who wore rough clothes and caps; each had a revolver in his fist.
Fisk was met at the office by a hard-looking young man.
Rancid wandered over to a card game being played by some hard-looking men.
The children and women had vanished and the soldiers of the Tenth were surrounded by hard-looking men.
"Come back later," she called, then fell silent as three hard-looking men entered the confined space and carefully shut the door behind them.
A hard-looking man of medium height stood outside in a simple, but expensive suit.
The cafe girls plied their ancient trade among the clientele, approaching all but the table where the hard-looking man sat.
A group of hard-looking men and a Fortune House legal skiller watched what they couldn't see.
To the right sat the rest of the Lords, hard-looking men, for the most part middle-aged or older.
He found the road fenced off and guarded by hard-looking men who said that the property was now private.