Cascadden, a hard-working fellow who reads extensively and plays with a computer, has not started a game since his junior year in high school.
I have seen his testimonials, and from the first he was a decent, quiet, hard-working fellow, with no weak spot in him at all.
Guy Pagett is my secretary, a zealous, painstaking, hard-working fellow, admirable in every respect.
He's a big hard-working likable fellow, hardly devious or many-tracked enough to be of use.
You can try to take full advantage of him, very hard-working fellow.
Tomorrow,' he said, 'we start proving what a two-hundred-percent clean cut, hard-working American fellow you are.
Ham was a good-hearted and hard-working fellow and Emily, a young woman now, worked as a dressmaker.
Everybody called him Whitaker, and he was a hard-working, practical, smart fellow.
However, he did have a letter of introduction from his pastor, vouching for him as a hard-working fellow of good character.
You're not likely to get much sense from him, though he's a hard-working fellow.