Instead of hurting hardback sales as some predicted, the paperback edition instead gave the book more publicity.
Ebooks overtook hardback sales in the country in July last year.
Publishers are concerned about dwindling hardback sales; but the real problem is that the price of most hardbacks deters people from buying them.
Seems extraordinary, but judging from the hardback sales, his fan club is as big as ever.
Instead of hurting hardback sales, the paperback edition gave the book more publicity.
How does she know that this (unknown number of downloads) was what 'decimated' hardback sales?
The combined hardback sales of the two titles are likely to be more than 3.5 million copies.
Still, the publisher is making the profits it needs to on the crucial hardback sales.
This article seems to say the exact opposite of a Guardian article little more than a month ago, which claimed hardback sales are plummeting.
Do the hardback sales subsidise the paperback sales?