Hence, Muhammad decided to surprise his enemies by leaving under circumstances and at a time hardly conceivable to them.
Their age was so great that a human childhood for them was hardly conceivable.
It was hardly conceivable that they could look so unlike.
To Martin it's hardly conceivable that Flint should have some other reason for writing than to salve a psychic wound with public recognition.
Confusion without reference to names, hardly conceivable.
The wagons were built in numbers that today are hardly conceivable.
It's Moody's genius to know that the horror of a nuclear blast is hardly conceivable - but condensed milk?
It was hardly conceivable that this could have happened had Blissip been consulting the map alone.
Anything better, anything different, is hardly conceivable.
To turn back, to drive men back into terrorism and blind hatred, is hardly conceivable.