My job is to raise laughs and cancer is hardly conducive.
The form teacher has two other teaching assistants to help out, but it is hardly conducive to coherent and unified lessons.
Such a marriage was hardly conducive to harmony.
Hardly conducive to children, like Andrew, who have school followed by extracurricular activities.
Hardly conducive to the tongue-lashing she wanted to hand out; give a man the chance to loom, and he had the battle half won.
My dealings with your nephew were hardly conducive to such trust.
That sort of forecast, if borne out, is hardly conducive to a resurgence in gold prices.
Some new charter schools have bare-bones buildings and supplies hardly conducive to high-level education.
He said drily, "The surroundings are hardly conducive to such dry talk.
This situation was hardly conducive to the unification of the country through the medium of the press.