The tiny fish, among the most exotic and coveted in the world, are hardly larger than a thumb.
The small house came into view above them on the right, It was hardly larger than a cabin, square in design and made of heavy stone.
Our progress toward the planet was so slow that the disk seemed hardly larger than it had been when we started three days before.
It was anchored to a stone fragment hardly larger than itself, but, of course, far more massive.
The data chip, hardly larger than his thumbnail, gave him no clue.
The Sun came up as a bright, tiny disk hardly larger than a very brilliant star.
The wall dwarfed them: they seemed hardly larger than ants.
In two hours, the area of distorted scan was hardly larger.
The interior was hardly larger than one of our cells, but there all resemblance ceased.
It was incredible that a woman, one past her prime and hardly larger than a child, should show such readiness.