It was hastily folded and roughly scribbled--so roughly as to be hardly legible.
Even the outline of the rounded and now knoblike tower - a novelty in Mayan days - was hardly legible.
They are traced in a hardly legible manner by a hand trembling with cold: 'My hands are frozen.
Markers made from rounds of wood sliced from a downed tree, splitting with age and decay so that the words carved upon them are hardly legible.
His handwriting was hardly legible.
The lettering denoting the monument's true purpose is hardly legible.
His hasty scrawl in the right- hand column was hardly legible.
The other hardly legible.
Underneath is written in a hand so shaky as to be hardly legible, 'Beddoes writes in cipher to say H. has told all.
She found the part she was looking for, on a page that was crinkled and hardly legible anymore.