Putin will reign on, but such momentous missteps hardly lend support to Baker and Glasser's portrait of a strongman atop a resurgent and rising Kremlin.
That's fair game in politics, but hardly lends credence to Mr. Dole's disavowals of tobacco's addictive powers.
This is partly because of the "sport" Ms. Walat has picked: math competitions hardly lend themselves to spectator involvement, and she doesn't even try to dramatize them.
"Thou shalt not murder" is a rule that we can expect people to follow, but "Thou shalt not kill" hardly lends itself to the same strict enforcement.
I'm sorry not to be able to entertain you more auspiciously, but a haunted house hardly lends itself to gaiety.
With its long speeches and tangled plot, The Tempest hardly lends itself to opera.
The selection of words would hardly lend itself to the sending of general messages.
Even if he is working in a field with other workers the sense of isolation can remain, for the noise and the increased pace of work hardly lend themselves to easy conversation between workmates.
But the approach hardly lends itself to effective diplomacy, certainly not when dealing with dictators.
The freedom and spontaneity of action painting hardly lend themselves to the discipline and technical complexity of the graphic arts - or do they?